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How to Create Memorial Website -


How to Create Free Online Memorial Website

Creating Free Memorial Website on is very simple task. You Just need to click on Create Website button

or if you are already logged click on small Angel icon in toolbar

and after that you will be redirected to Registration Formular. This formular can have three variations depending on your login status.

1. First variation is when you are not logged and you don't have account on
You need to fill all your information about you and the person for which the Memorial Website will be like on the next picture.

2. Second variation is when you are not logged but you already have an account on
You need to fill your registered email address and your password. First, enter your registered email, system will check this email in our database and if this is found, it will change the form, so you will have to enter only your valid password for this account in registered for this email. No confirmation password nor the user info will be required to enter.

3. Third variation is when you are logged and you want to Create Free Memorial Website.
You need to fill only information about Memorial Website. Email, password and user info fields will be hidden automaticaly.

For an address of Memorial Website just type something like first name with last name or some nick name. e.g. firstname-lastname, firstnamelastname, firstname-middlename-lastname. After you fill all informations just click once on Create Website button at the bottom of page. You will be redirected to your new Memorial Website after succesfull Save.

* Password must have at minimum 6 charactres.

Origen del enlace:

Autor: The Last-Memories Team
Fecha: Febrero 21, 2011