
Thanks -


As I fought back tears the day i began creating this website, it was only until 2 days later I actually began progressing in this venture. Beyond all the thing My Mummalissa has done for me this has to be he least I could have done. The day I was finish with the site the visted amount was 90 days later the numbers rolled to 490. It has been a long time since I've been on the site and now the numbershas roll to 968. This only reflects the impact Mummalissa had on everyone. I had to talk in pass tense about Lissa, I will continue to talk in the present because she will always be with me. To you all do the same lt us basket in her memorizes enjoy life and take Lissa with you. Thanks to all who has visited the site and continue to pure your love and memorise, because this website is here to stay. Again thanks.



日期: 二月 28, 2010